Pagrindinis / Kūrybiškas ir inovatyvus ugdymas šiuolaikinėje pamokoje / The development of creativity and responsible assessment in English lessons. Inga Tutkienė. Utenos Dauniškio gimnazija

The development of creativity and responsible assessment in English lessons. Inga Tutkienė. Utenos Dauniškio gimnazija

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This method is very handy when a teacher starts a new module and has to decide what students will have to talk about. All I (as a teacher) have to do is to enjoy the lesson. My students do everything themselves.

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The aim of the presentation: to share the methods used in the lesson which topic is “Travelling“. I. Balčiūnienė and M. Bartaševičiūtė – Grudžinskienė. Šiaulių Medelyno progimnazija

„The aim of the presentation: to share the methods used in the lesson which topic …

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