Pagrindinis / Kūrybiškas ir inovatyvus ugdymas šiuolaikinėje pamokoje / The aim of the presentation: to share the methods used in the lesson which topic is “Travelling“. I. Balčiūnienė and M. Bartaševičiūtė – Grudžinskienė. Šiaulių Medelyno progimnazija

The aim of the presentation: to share the methods used in the lesson which topic is “Travelling“. I. Balčiūnienė and M. Bartaševičiūtė – Grudžinskienė. Šiaulių Medelyno progimnazija

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„The aim of the presentation: to share the methods used in the lesson which topic is “Travelling“”

Description of the lesson: students had to make a presentation / advertisement, the aim of which is to advertise a trip as travel agencies do. Giving the presentation assignment teachers I. Balčiūnienė and M. Bartaševičiūtė – Grudžinskienė instructed their students on the success criteria, gave tips for effective presentation (see doc. 1). The evaluation system was also presented (see doc. 2). Students had a week to make projects. They presented the projects in their groups (example – doc. 3). After each presentation students had to fill evaluation and self-evaluation tables (5 min). Teachers filled the same evaluation table as well. After all presentations, the class discussed the results of the projects.

Taip pat skaitykite

LEARNING ARTS IN FRENCH. Orinta Šalkuvienė, Zinaida Varanauskienė. Šiaulių Medelyno progimnazija. Orinta Šalkuvienė, Zinaida Varanauskienė. Šiaulių Medelyno progimnazija.


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